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What does the Skin Classic do?

The Skin Classic uses high frequency radio waves to treat minor skin irregularities such as age spots, skin tags, broken capillaries, sebaceous hyperplasia, milia, cherry angiomas, and acne.  Nearly any epidermal irregularity can be treated.


Each treatment only takes a few seconds and the tip of the Skin Classic probe never penetrates the epidermis.  The tip of the probe dehydrates and condenses the epidermal cells creating a scab-like layer which then naturally exfoliates in 3-14 days.  Brand new skin is then revealed without the lesion.  Normally only one treatment is required for complete resolution of the problem area.



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Skin Classic

High Frequency Device


The Skin Classic High frequency device rapidly treats minor skin irregularities. Your skin classic comes complete with: The Dermlite DL100, 100+ sterile disposable probes, e manual, laminated chairside guide, 3 year warranty, and product training in your facility. Please allow at least 3 weeks to prepare travel arrangements. This unit is made in the USA and ongoing support is only a phone call away.



Price: $4975 plus shipping


*if you are a skin care professional, please check

your state regulations before purchasing.

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